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What is a Scripting Language?

Hello (again) world! We’ve returned to blogging with a fun and thought provoking article by our Guest Blogger Dave Gosselin. Dave is a C++ Engineer and keeps his own blog: Software Engineer’s Field Guide to Bugs. In this piece, Dave has taken the time to ponder the definition of a scripting language. We hope you’ll enjoy[…]


OOP and JS

Today’s blog post is part of our guest blogger series, and is written by Eugene Lazutkin. Almost any Java programmer, who starts to study JS Grokking, its OOP facilities, and a dynamic nature of JS, thinks that they can be greatly improved and start their own OOP library/helpers. The majority of these libraries are left[…]

test automation tools

3 Popular Test Automation Tools You Should Be Using

Whenever you’re developing software, you need to test for defects. Manually testing these projects though is time consuming, and far from being fail-proof; bugs will often pop up later on sections you’ve already tested. So what’s a development team to do? It’s simple really. Beyond consistent testing, software development teams should bring automated testing tools[…]

failing it project1

Failing IT project? Get it back on track!

You’ve just realized that your project is failing. That it isn’t going to be on time or within budget. That you’ve bitten off more than you can chew. There’s that sinking feeling, and then the panic sets in. But, before you start breathing into a brown paper bag, take a second. It might not be[…]


Agile & Waterfall Methodologies – A Side-By-Side Comparison

There’s a saying that goes “there’s more than one way to skin a cat.” Fortunately for cats everywhere, we’re not going to skin one. We’re simply applying this logic to software development. There are several ways to develop software, two of the most prominent methods being waterfall and Agile. And as anytime there are two[…]