it staffing solutions4

Signs That It’s Time to Fire Your Technical Consultant

Let’s face it. No one likes to fire their employees. Sometimes the people that you need to let go are your friends. Other times, you’re afraid that your remaining employees will stage a coup. In other cases still, it’s simply the fact that you hate, and I mean hate, awkward conversations. Regardless of the unpleasantness,[…]

what is hadoop

What is Hadoop?

Though Hadoop has generated a lot of conversation in the past several years, there still seems to be a general confusion about the technology. In fact, it’s still so new and confusing that 1900 people, every month, Google, “What is Hadoop?” If you’re in this camp, wondering about Hadoop, don’t worry. Today, we will explain[…]

java interview questions

Java Interview Questions

You have a Java interview coming up and you’re smart. You know the best way to prepare for an interview is to practice answers to possible interview questions. Here, things get a little more daunting though – there are hundreds of questions you could be faced with in an interview. How do you know which[…]

how tech consulting advances your career

6 Ways Technical Consulting Advances Your Career

When people first consider venturing into technical consulting, they weigh the pros and cons. The money they’ll make versus the lack of benefits. The starting of a new job every year versus corporate monotony. The one thing that technologists don’t often consider in these internal debates, however, is just how technical consulting advances your career.There[…]

tech interview tips

Technical Consulting: 10 Tips for Interviewing with the Client Company

You’ve made it past the application screening, and the client company wants to speak with you. Congratulations! There’s a lot you have to do to prepare for this interview. You have to research the company, and prepare your interview answers. You’ve got to make sure your interview clothes are wrinkle-free, and that you know where[…]

tech consulting in maine and new hampshire

Why You Should Consider Technical Consulting Jobs in Maine and New Hampshire

How many of you have vacationed in Maine or New Hampshire? A show of hands, please? Okay. That’s the overwhelming majority of you. Let’s try this again. How many of you have vacationed in one of these two locations and thought, ‘Wouldn’t it be nice to live here?’ Show of hands? Again, that’s the overwhelming[…]

why be a tech consultant

Is IT Consulting A Better Fit For You Than FTE?

You’ve got a stable, full-time technical job that you enjoy. You go to work, get paid and have both benefits and vacation time. There’s not much more you could ask for. But if you could ask for more, what would you want? More money? More variety? More time off? Would these things make your job[…]

software metrics

Software Metrics

Determining the overall productivity of a dentist’s office is easy. All you have to do is look as far as the number of patients, their wait time, and their retention rate, before a picture starts to emerge. With an IT team, it’s a bit more complicated. You can’t just look at the number of hours[…]

why you need a technical recruiter

Four Reasons Technical Consultants Need A Technical Recruiter

Are you a technical consultant? Yes? Great. Do you have a technical recruiter? No? How’s that going? Isn’t not that you can’t go through the technical recruiting process without a technical recruiter. You can. It’s just that the process is made a little more stressful and a little less effective. Without a technical recruiter, you[…]